Vocational Technical School Overview

Education and training affects four types of personal capital: human, social,cultural and identity capital (Côté, 2005; Desjardin, 2008; Feinstein et al.,2009) The primary objective of the vocational technical training programs is the acquisition of relevant knowledge, practical skills and attitudes for gainful employment in a particular trade.

The economic competitiveness of a country depends on the skills of its work force. The skills and competencies of the work force, in turn, are dependent upon the quality of the country’s education and training systems. Vocational education is perceived as one of the crucial elements in enhancing economic productivity. Based on several community participatory based meeting, the locals believe that vocational programs were more appropriate than academic programs for developing new skills and the ability to use contemporary technologies.

The vocational technical school of Hinche will emerged as one of the most effective human resource development strategies utilized in order to train and modernize its technical workforce. OSDPC believes that in order for  vocational and technical  education to effect economic growth, wealth creation and poverty eradication, skills training must be of high quality and competency-based, incorporate the use of modern information and communication technologies.